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Unfiltered Reality: Meeting Life as It Is

Writer's picture: Keiko OzekiKeiko Ozeki

Have you ever noticed how your mind labels something the moment you recognize it? Before that moment, reality simply is—pure, unfiltered, untouched by thought. This is Sonomama, reality as it is before human observation.

However, the instant we perceive something, our minds categorize, interpret, and assign meaning to it. This process creates a copy of Sonomama—a filtered version of reality. Our perceptions and thoughts act as filters, shaping how we experience the world. Yet, as human beings, we cannot stop creating these filters. The very ability to construct meaning is an intrinsic part of our existence. In this sense, even our filtered reality—our interpretations, perceptions, and thoughts—is part of Sonomama. This, too, is life as it is.

Recognizing this dynamic is not about rejecting our filters but about seeing them for what they are: natural, inevitable, and deeply human. Instead of trying to erase them, we can cultivate awareness of how they shape our reality. This awareness creates space for a more direct experience of life, where we hold our perceptions lightly and remain open to the unfiltered flow of existence.

Zen practice invites us to rest in Sonomama, to meet each moment without clinging to interpretation. It is not about stopping thought but about seeing through it—understanding that the world we construct in our minds is not separate from, but also not identical to, the raw unfolding of reality. In this seeing, we find freedom: a way to live fully engaged yet unburdened by the stories we weave.

By allowing Sonomama to be as it is, we align with the rhythm of life itself. Nothing needs to be added, nothing taken away. Just this. Just now. This, too, is reality.

What would it be like to meet life without filters? Let's explore Sonomama together.



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